

QuantLibAddin is written by:

Ferdinando Ametrano
Marco Bianchetti
Aurélien Chanudet
Cristina Duminuco
Eric Ehlers (maintainer)
Giorgio Facchinetti
Chiara Fornarola
Katiuscia Manzoni
Plamen Neykov
Mario Pucci
François du Vignaud


We gratefully acknowledge contributions from Luigi Ballabio, Silvia Frasson, Marco Marchioro, Walter Penschke, Lars Schouw, Quan Sun, Duo Wang, Roland Lichters, Jose Aparicio.


Unregistration of the Excel addin works around a bug in Excel's xlfUnregister function using a technique discovered by Laurent Longre.

The graphics for this project are created by Audrey Schayes and Thomas Wyngaard at Codefrisko.